How to Perform a Static Diode Check

The static diode pressure test is recommended before a new startup as part of periodic maintenance and can be performed on all frame sizes. Refer to the chart in the video for the correct values for your particular drive.

The static diode pressure procedure is similar for all frame sizes. However, the range of acceptable values differs on other frame sizes, so be sure to refer to the chart in the video for the correct values for your drive. Remember that your power and motor leads must be disconnected. When the meter is in diode mode, it will give you a reading in volts. First, check the positive side of the DC bust, place the positive lead on L1 and the negative lead on the positive bust terminal.

The reading return should be between .9 and 1.1 volts. On the positive side of the DC bust, check the pre-charged circuit including resistors, diode, and relay. If this value is in range, it tells you that the precharged circuit is functioning properly.

To test the negative side of the DC bust, place your positive lead on the negative bust and the negative lead on L1. Repeat this for L2 and L3. You will look for a value between .3-.45 volts for each lead.

If your drive is equipped with a braking resistor, you should test the break module as well.